Saturday, September 13, 2008

Post Half update

Hi all, just quickly checking back in to give an update on how things have been going since the Half. Well the good news is that the legs have recovered well. I didn't run Monday or Tuesday but since then have run 7 or 8 miles nice and easy every day and feel fully recovered from last weekend's efforts.

BUT, I am carrying a small pf issue in my right foot. It's not impacting my runs yet, but once I step the intensity up next week again we'll have to see how it reacts. I had two appointments with my doc and am stretching and massaging furiously with the aim to keep it at bay until Richmond. We'll see....

Other than that business as usual. Working too hard and looking forward to the weekend!

1 comment:

Greg said...

PF is an insidious disease. Be very careful. I had it for ~18 months. "The sock" was the best thing for keeping me going, but I think it was ultimately the switch to more "minimalist" (mainly more flexible) shoes that was the long term fix (knock wood). In your case, since it came after a race, it's probably not a chronic thing and some short term care (RICE) should probably take care of it. Good luck!