Sunday, July 27, 2008

Kids' heaven...

Adult hell....

Having a great weekend with the girls, only drawback being I have to take them to such delightful, calm oases as Chuck E Cheese and Monkey Joe's. Don't get me wrong I love seeing the kids have a great time but when you've got a five year old in her relentless "see how fast I can do this/watch me do this Daddy" mode and a two year old trying to get into as much mischief as possible every time you turn your back, it's pretty hard work- certainly harder than a 14 mile run for example!

Running since Wednesday has seen a tempo workout on Thursday- included 3 miles in 5.43/43/33 one mile recovery then finished with a 5.23- and 8 miles including striders at the track on Friday. The workout was too much like hard work to be considered a tempo workout really but I felt pretty smooth, Friday's run felt good. I think things are coming around. I have the next leg of the Grand Prix next Saturday- a fairly brutal 5k- so that should give a good indication of what sort of shape I'm rounding into.

It's nice having my goal race so far off. My training seems to have much more structure and progression this time around

Ironically being left with the kids with Lisa away and training on hold for a couple of days I've been able to catch up on some sleep- 7 hours the last two nights and even squeezed in a nap while Sophie napped yesterday and Emily watched a DVD!

I'll hopefully have time to head out the door for a quick run when Lisa gets back tonight


Greg said...

When I'm sent to hell, I'm almost certain it will be a Chuck E Cheese. I'm glad to hear you persevered.

JS said...

I agree...I don't know how my parents dealt. Maybe when/if I become a parent, I'll understand a bit better.

Keep up the great training, Paul. Maybe one of these days I'll be inspired to actually write something in my blog! :)