Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Home alone

I work for an Australian owned Company whose year end is June 30 so typically this time of year is crazy busy for me, leaving in the morning before the kids wake up and barely getting home in time to get them to bed. Plus I always have to work July 4th (not such a big deal for a Brit!!). So Lisa takes the kids to her parents and I have the house to myself for a few days. So it is this week, until Sunday, they've even taken the dog! The house is eerily quiet despite my stereo being on full blast for once!

Anyway, yesterday I did my fartlek, pushed it too hard but there you go, I got a bit excited doing my first real speedwork for a while. Workout was 1 mile warm up straight into 3 mins on, 2 mins off (*3) 2 mins on, 2 mins off (*3). Paces for the 'on' sections were 5:19,18,17,08,10,07. Judging by how these paces felt, Friday's 5k could be messy!

Sleep was an atrocious 4 hours because of staying up to watch the Trials, but how could I miss the 800 race! At least I should catch up on some sleep the next few days. Might even be able to grab a nap in front of the Tennis over the weekend!

Today's run was 8 miles at a nice and easy 7:07 pace with some striders thrown in. My achilles was a little stiff as I headed out this morning (in spite of my religious stretching/massaging of late). Feels fine now but I'll have to watch it.

Anyway I'm off to catch up on some kip!

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