Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cool rain

Had a bit of a surprise when I opened the back door to let the dog out this morning. Not only was it 60 degrees but it was pouring with rain too! Literally the first morning rain I can remember in months! When it rains here in the summer it typically comes with a storm in the early evening or overnight.

So it was strange to head out in the cool and rain. I remained shirtless as usual but I almost got a bit cold to be honest! Ran the bog standard out and back on the (somewhat muddy!) trails, 6.8 miles in 48 minutes. Legs felt quite heavy and unresponsive today but that seems to be a theme on the Wednesdays after the hard Tuesday workout. Hopefully they'll kick back into gear before tomorrow's 12 miler.

I also need to get more sleep and stop staying up watching the Olympics but it just grabs you and it's hard to turn off as I am sure many of you will agree! It is bizarre how I become engrossed in sports I would never even consider watching on a normal basis. Last night I was mesmerized by the Womens team Gymnastics for God's sake!! Half of me amazed by the athleticism, grace, strength, etc. of the girls, the other half thinking it would be bloody funny if one of them fell off the beam/bars, etc. (unfortunately for the Americans that happened one too many times to beat the Chinese). And by the way, there is no way some of those Chinese girls are 16! Two of them look younger than Emily!!

So my intention is to get an early night tonight. I don't think Phelps has any Finals lined up tonight so maybe I'll be able to pull it off

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the Chinese women are taking flak from the US coaches about the age of their athletes...not sure of the advantage of younger girls, but hmmmm...

It has been almost autumnal here as well. I'll be disappointed when the heat and humidity come back and beat the living daylights out of me for another few weeks...

Good training Paul. Making some real strides...