Not much to report on the running front. Bruising and swelling of right knee has almost gone now and quad okay. Sunday I was itching for a run, if only to burn some of the 4 million calories consumed the last few days but decided not to at the last minute. So have done nothing at all apart from core exercises the last few days. The bike didn't tempt me in the end. I just couldn't be bothered- it wasn't as if i was needing to cross train because I knew I would be off running for a good while.
I actually got up and hit the roads for a mile this morning but knee still didn't feel quite right so i turned back home and didn't push it. I'm hoping another couple of days and the knee will have cleared up completely. No point in starting my next phase of training until 100% healthy. Basically once I start running again I'll be setting out on my quest for some big prs on the track in the spring so it doesn't make much difference if I start tomorrow or next week.
So I discussed with Tim and decided that I should target 15.20s and sub 32 as very challenging but realistic goals for the next few months. Might sound a tad ambitious considering that I have only ever gone sub 33 once and sub 16 three times in the past year but I'm going to go for it. So I have posted the goals to my fridge. The 150 refers to my weight. I like that as my racing weight and the combination of the coming winter, the last few days of gluttony and my current inactivity has pushed me significantly over that at the moment!
Hopefully next time I post I will have a run to report!
Hey Mainers,
I noticed you said you usually race well at 150. If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you?
I'm making a push to drop excess baggage--I'm back down to my normal range but looking to lose bulk and get leaner.
Anyhow, again if you don't mind me asking, how far "off" are you from your ideal race weight and how long are you giving yourself to get down?
I'm 6 2 so 150 is very light but i'm a skinny, weak bastard who rarely lifts weights. Would I run faster if I had more muscle and weighed 160? who knows? I just don't have the motivation or time to fit going to the gym into my schedule so I basically just run and do sit ups, press ups and bicep curls a couple of times a week
I'm currently at about 155 so a pound a week should suffice!
See, I'm beginning to think that the added muscle bulk + the added stress of serious weights may not be doing me too great.
This go around, I'm looking to lighten up--just do some basic core work and get myself down to 145 to 150 by the Spring. We'll see....
Enjoy your down time. I am doing precisely the same thing and actually enjoying it.
I for one am very envious of your super "skinny bastard" build. Not me, I am a fairly muscular girl. Not to say I couldn't drop a few pounds of added baggage as well, but this girl will never look like Paula Radcliffe or Deena Kastor without an amazing eating disorder and well, that sure wouldn't help my running!
Good luck on your goals. I hope to see you make both of them!
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