Monday, November 19, 2007


Judging from Tim's reaction when i first used this expression, a translation may be in order here so here is the definition from Wikipedia

"Knackered meaning tired, exhausted, (especially in reference to exhaustion after sex) or broken in British and Irish slang is still commonly used in the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth"

Replace 'sex' with 'running' (unfortunately) and you get how i felt on today's run. Trudged through 9.5 miles at about 7.15 pace. Legs felt like shit. I think the last few days have caught up with me. Hopefully I can kick back into shape before my race on Thursday!

Mindi wanted more quotes so the quote for the day is "the leanest wolf is the leader of the pack"- food for thought for us runners over the holidays- make sure we don't eat more than three helpings of turkey and the trimmings for dinner on Thursday....


The Salty One said...

Word of the week? It is in my world!

Mindi said...

Thank you!

Definitely a good reminder for all of us this week!

I laughed at "knackered" as I have a friend in Scotland that says that all the time and it certainly does seem foreign here.

Hope you feel better tomorrow.