Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday track night

I usually do a track workout every Tuesday night. My boss knows I'm going to leave no later than 5.15 on a Tuesday. Meetings are rearranged to accommodate my peculiar hobby. So tonight I hit the track. Workout was 4*1600 with 90 seconds recovery. I was aiming to hit 5k pace which equates to about 5.10 for 1600 based on my race on Saturday so was pleased with 5.08,5.07,5.05,5.07. The first one was very easy, the last I was definitely straining a lot more than I would have liked but the signs are I'm getting back into pretty good shape. Thanks to Chris L btw for pushing me on the first three- so much easier than doing a workout on your own!

On a side note I was amused to see how my Garmin is completely confused when I run round and round a track. The mile beeper was going off about 1500 metres into each rep so my training log says i was running at about 4.30 pace- nice!

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Ah, the track. I miss the track.

Nice workout!